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product brochures

for KITO Ceramics (China)

year 2020

We’re in the business of telling compelling stories through treasured, aesthetically pleasing products and we are extremely proud of our works. This display of passion is what drives KITO Ceramics to engage us to develop their product brochures - Artisan No.1 for a start.

For KITO Ceramics brochure strategy, the cover visual is composed of artisanal visual inspired from elements of seascape floorboard - rendered with a figure-ground reversal technique of negative space to form the letter K.

Our design strategy for the inner content is to frame all the products in a similar manner to how artworks are framed in an art exhibition. Each page features a distinctive white frame offset or for highlighted pages, a reversed frame version is used to accentuate the content.

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KITO / Master Catalog 2020


product brochures

for KITO Ceramics (China)

year 2020

Styled in thin minimalistic typography, ​La gioia di crescita - Italian for the joy of growth, set on a silhouette of a group of people jumping euphorically against sunset backdrop visual defines KITO Ceramics’ Master Catalogue 2020 look and feel mood.

The Italian line is a testament to KITO Ceramics’ aspiration to enjoy and reap the benefit of their growth in the coming years.

Marking the change of categories, distinctive letters juxtaposed against key visuals for each category. The letters assigned are a symbolic representation of the word K-I-T-O. Although currently, the brand does not carry wood tiles design yet, the K-I-T-O system provides them with a placeholder category designation for future products.

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KITO / Ales


product brochures

for KITO Ceramics (China)

year 2020

A continuation from the KITO Artisan No. 1 brochure concept, ALES is derived from a creative wordplay that spells out Los Angeles’ ubiquitous acronym - LA. ALES evokes the glamorous Hollywood vibe in its product range colour and textural palette.

The primary cover photo depicts a prominent T sign etched on a cityscape view of Los Angeles. The onboarding pages feature a series of mood boards visually composed of hints of design, textural and process inspiration for the series category - a crucial process to invoke the right mood for viewers prior to getting immersed with the product ambience and tiles images afterwards.

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KITO / Cassero


product brochures

for KITO Ceramics (China)

year 2020

The primary cover photo depicts a prominent T sign masked with the view of the Los Angeles cityscape.

Cassero’s ambience visuals are displayed on a unique frame with one round corner on the top right matched with a quintessentially LA’s signature subway-metro-style of sign masked with the same extended ambience visual - a creative touch further adding up and enhancing the overall visual look and feel.

Mood boards visual as onboarding stimulating images, provide the viewers ample room to breathe, digest and anticipate the following pages’ content.

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KITO / Trani


product brochures

for KITO Ceramics (China)

year 2020

The cover visual base is composed of edge-to-edge display of hero tile colour that best represents Trani in essence. As an extension to the master concept for KITO Ceramic product brochure thematic, Trani features a partial but bold O on its cover with the cleverly framed city of Trani’s landmark within the O inner circle.

A slight departure from the design convention set for the rest of KITO Ceramics, additional O inspired graphic elements - set in a myriad of soothing blue tone as a homage to Trani’s Adriatic sea connection, adding some dynamism and depth to the overall brochure visual.

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KITO / Tyrol


product brochures

for KITO Ceramics (China)

year 2020

Tyrol - another KITO Ceramics stone tile category features bold O rendered with a round-framed cover visual of Tyrol’s soothing and calming body of water landscape - inline to the master thematic concept. Interspersed with design elements inspired from the O shape, paired with a palette of green tones evoking the tranquil mood of Tyrol lake landscape.

Evolved slightly from the usual design strategy set for KITO Ceramics brochure, Tyrol brochure approach is similar to Trani in the manner of execution. All of their product ambience visual assets overflow into two pages spread; filling most of the prized real-estate space, leaving just enough room for description and specification to breathe.

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product brochures
for KITO Ceramics (China)
year 2022

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product brochures
for KITO Ceramics (China)
year 2023

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product brochures
for KITO Ceramics (China)
year 2023

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product brochures
for KITO Ceramics (China)
year 2023

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